Si kancil..Pasti you are already familiar with this name.
His name has become a legend over time, is told from generation to generation from generation to generation.
The famous deer intelligent, smart, agile, cunning, and also a lot of sense.
It is worth if he becomes a legend that deserves to always be in the tell, and time ini..Si deer will be an adventure in the same story, but the plot might be different ..
Sit back and enjoy this story carefully, when the time in which the story of the Legend of the Kancil at the start ...

In ancient times in the prototype board, there is a small village where the animals are named pedestal bongas.
In the village was inhabited by several families of animals.
And one of them is a family pack Kanca.
Family pack kanca is the deer family, he lives with his wife named Cullinan.
At that time Cullinan or call it bu kanca, is pregnant.
And on the day that is already waiting by the little family, ahirnya was born a baby boy that complement the small family happiness.

"We love the name of anyone bu?". Tanya pack kanca.
"What if we give the name of the hare, sir?". Answers bu kanca.
"Why? Opened it was the name of our nation bu kind? Is not it too weird?". The word pack kanca wonder.
"Hahaha..Kenapa have to wonder pack? The name is a do'a..Dan I hope to give our children the name of the hare, someday he can be a great people who make the kind we always remember from time to time.
Again pula..Itu also a combination of the two names kita..KANca and Cullinan, grouped together the hare .. ". The word bu kanca.
"Hehehe..Benar also said bu.Aku you agree with the name itu..Yah, hopefully only when he grows up he inherited his mother wit .. :)" .Kata kanca pack.
"And also the agility and nimbleness of his father .." ^ _ ^ "...". Connect bu kanca chimed.

And since then, at the start of the deer that lives in children with affection by his family.
He grew into a deer intelligent and agile, and in the small village that was the deer always stand out among children and other animals.
Even at school the famous deer as a bright child, even he always gets the number one ranking.
Yah..Walau can not deny he's also a bit naughty and stubborn for being too sloppy and simple curiosity.
It all could not be separated from its ability to split time between playing and learning time.

One day after school, the deer invites her friends for a walk out of the village.
He is very curious dengal any thing that is outside the village.
Si buny ranggo rabbits and the squirrels are always a loyal friend following behind.

"Cil..Apa we are not too far from the village? Let's go home yuk..Aku afraid ..". Said the buny.
"My mother cil..Kata yes, the area outside of the village did not aman.Daerah is controlled by the bandits who nicknamed the gorilazer ..". The word squirrel replied.
"Halah..Kalian do not be afraid to, there aku..Emangnya what's with the gorilazer it?", Asked the deer.
"They are a group of monkeys who like loot, sometimes they also go into our village.
Their leader was very creepy, big-eyed one.
The story he had been caught by poachers and one eye by an arrow, but he escaped.
That's what makes it very fear and respect him, because very rarely can escape from the hunter alive .. ". The word ranggo squirrel explained.
"Ah..Masa? If only escape from the hunter saja..Itu small affair ..".
"Keep your mouth bocah..Kau do not know where you berada.Ini my territory" .Arrived suddenly a voice interrupted deer.
In an instant the place it has in the siege of the ape and gorilla jumped down toward the deer and friends.

"It's a brave little boy but ceroboh..Kau dares to insult me ​​in my territory ..." The word gorilla.

"Lho..Memang you are? Weve these forests belong to your father?". Answers deer relaxing, while the second theme is shaking with fear behind.

"Lancang once you kid .. !! Take a good look yourself in the eye ku..Dengan and a great body and my kuat.Nama melegenda..Akulah strongest animal in this region, I was the only animal that is able to escape from the hunters ..Akulah led the gorilazer, akulah..The King KONG .. !! ", replied the gorilla was in style ..

"I'm sleepy huuaah..Sampai dengernya..Udah ngocehnya? Then if you gorilaz leader alias gorilla Malaz, emangnya why?
Continue if you have the name of the king kong king ape emang why?
Continue if you are never free of the hunters I have what?
Must say "Wooww .. !!" so?
Come uncle, uncle kong snobs need not scare me.
Besides all the stories about Uncle also no buktinya..Kalo just escaped from a hunter, I also could uncle.
Let's just arrested, taken to their house, I also still can go home .. ". The king kong very surprised to hear the answer to the deer, even all the monkeys and deer join two friends gawk at him.

"Hmm..Besar also your mouth bocah..Kalau so, how about we bet to prove babble you ..". The king kong.
"Boleh..Emang betting uncle what if I win?
And certainly the hell I'm going to win ..: p ".Jawab deer lightly.
"Hahaha..Aku like your style bocah..Sangat confidence and bersemangat..Tapi also very sloppy ..
Baiklah..Apapun you ask tell me .. ".
"Oke..Aku not ask for an odd-aneh..Aku'm asking if I win, uncle and the uncle gangs should not be bandit further.And certainly should not spoil that is not right, start living well ..
And kedua..Jika I escaped, uncle and the gang paman..Harus tell stories about myself all these parts of the woods purwa ini.Agar quasi know about my story ..
How kong uncle? Agreed? ". Tanya deer.
"Hahaha..Dasar you aneh..Kau boy who risked his life for you just a stupid thing? You're not interested to be king after me?".
"Not paman..Cuma it aja..Lagian I also do not interest so raja..Kebanyakan think, fear of balding.
And again fear fat because of overeating, such as stomach paman..Hehehe ".Kata deer.

"Huahahahaha..Gue Like loe style bocah..Baru this time I met a boy like mu..Baiklah big balls, I can afford your request ..
Now prove all your ravings barusan..Atau you'll be sorry for having dared to make fun of me .. ", Threatens king kong.

"Oke..Siapa takut..Sekarang take me where to place traps the hunters ..". The word deer undertakes.

"Cil..Kamu sure you want to do this?
It was very dangerous lo cil, the same as you drove lives.
Better to run away and return to the village ".Bisik buny and ranggo on deer.

"You just take friends kawan..Aku certainly fine.
I have a thousand and one plan, you do not need not worry.
You wait for me here .. ". The word both deer soothing theme.

Eventually, with the scout monkey king kong men, the deer walked to where the trap is located.
The ride was pretty much, because the location of the trap on the fringes of the forest.

"Nah..Kita've arrived, I can only deliver you up here alone.
It was he layout perangkapnya..Kamu see dead leaves that?
If you menginjaknya..Maka a will ensnare your feet until you get stuck ..
I'll be watching you from here to make sure you are really caught by the rope, and then I will go in to the king kong to report ".Kata ape the guide explained.

"Ok..Cuma simpel..Baiklah things, you wait here.
I will be heading towards the trap itu..Gitu wrote really bother ".Kata the deer as he left.

Then the kancilpun towards the trap and stepped on, until his legs entangled and tied upside down in a tree.
After making sure the deer is really trapped and can not escape, monkey guides went back to report to the king kong.

"Hmm..Jadi the boy really do it?", Asked the king kong.

"Right boss ..". Answers ape guide.

"Really big balls boy, I salute and will mourn for his death as an expression of respect for me ..". The king kong.

While buny and ranggo can only weep for the fate of the deer.
They did not think the deer would die in a way that is pathetic.

Meanwhile in place lain..Si tergelantung deer still above the trap.
Already many times he tried to escape, but still not managed to break his leg on the rope noose.

"It turned this strap really erat..Aku unable to escape sendiri.Wah..Bisa-can I really caught the hunter nih..Aku must quickly find reasonable ..." Murmured the deer.

When sikancil'm thinking hard, suddenly three doves perched in the tree.

"You're what cil? How could you in this place? It's already too far away from the village ..". Tanya three doves simultaneously.

Kancil such as recognizing the sound, like the sound of her classmates.
Then he looked up the tree ..

"Dara, Deri, Dora ?! Why did you get here?", Said the deer was both pleased and surprised.

"We just got home from Kurkur uncle's house, and then we see you tergelantung and we then here.
Did the story how you can really get stuck in this trap? ", Asked the virgin.

Then the deer was telling all the things he had with buny and ranggo to the three companions.

"Nah..Kalian already know ceritanya.Sekarang I need your help before the hunters come ..". Pinta deer.

"What can we do for you cil?", Asked Dora.

"You throw dirt on me as much, if I can rub my body with dirt all over you.
You do not need to ask what the reason, the important thing to do alone.
And after that, quickly you go before the hunters come .. ". Command deer.

The trio of pigeons immediately he did order the deer, after all Glory and in a sense cukup..Mereka then flew out of the deer ..

Lalu..Apa actual plans of the deer?
Eits..Baca first patiently .. "^ _ ^"

Shortly after three virgin companions away, the hunters came.
They saw the body of the deer hanging exposed their traps.

"Hey look what we tangkap..Seekor deer ..". The word hunter A.

"Hmm..Tapi the deer seem to decay, it may be a few days he was trapped and die of starvation.
We're already almost a week did not see the trap because we went to town to sell their harvest.
See saja..Tubuhnya already stink in kerubungi many flies .. ". Said Hunter B.

"Wah..Sepertinya right kak..Lalu carcasses should we do this?". Tanya Hunter A.

"Yes, we sent down and then we waste to let in eating tiger woods, memangnya rotting carcasses should we do it again? Then we put another trap ..". Answers hunter B.

"Good kak ..." A hunter said then releasing the rope traps that ensnare the deer.
Then the body of the deer they are mutual and throw into the woods and then they left.
After making sure the hunters are gone, the deer who had been pretending to be dead soon wake up.
He was relieved that his plan really worked.
Si kancilpun then wash in the river and return to the king kong to collect their bets.

Cash only the apes and the second theme created surprised by the return of the deer, the more the king kong.
She could barely believe what was in through it, even sikancil can go home without the slightest injury ..

"Hi uncle kong..Sekarang mu..Lihat keep it just a promise, I win my bet as katakan..Hehehe" .Kata deer.

"Ba..Ba..Bagaimana did you escape? It is beyond reasonable duga'an..Tak ..". Tanya king kong sputtered in disbelief.

"I need hehehe..Sudah..Tak jelaskan.Sekarang important thing I've proved my waffle and now must keep promises paman..Simpel uncle, just like that why bother .. ^ _ ^" .Jawab deer.

"Hahahaha..Kau did have a lot of surprises bocah..Sebagai king, I will keep my promise.
I and all my people will loot lagi..Dan I will scatter all your stories overlooks throughout the forest, so they mengal you and know your greatness.
But bocah..Aku not yet know the name mu..Dan what should I call your self in my story? ", Asked the king kong.

"Just mention the name ku..KANCIL .. :)".

Then after that, kancilpun invites both the theme back to the village.
It's an adventure that melelahkan..Rasanya house is a comfortable place for a short break.
As preparations for the new adventures of tomorrow ..
In adventure lain..Dalam another story anyway

Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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